Low Rates for Weekend Payday Loans as High as $1,500

A Holiday Loan may be just the thing to make the difference this year. You can have your funds and be back out there shopping for the kids’ presents in less than an hour. That’s how fast our online, automated holiday loan process works. And, rest assured, being a licensed direct lender, using state of the art encryption technology, your private information is safe as can be.

After you’ve been approved, just electronically sign your loan agreement, and your funds will be in your bank account in 5 minutes, thanks to our rapid e-transfer system.

If you’re concerned about repayment, with all the expenses around the holidays, rest assured that we’ve got you covered there, too. We provide a range of options, including the ability to spread out your repayment over 2 or 3 installments, with no increase of interest rates. That should make for happy holidays.

A Christmas to Remember
Meeting the monthly payments are a real challenge for a single parent. So much so that frankly the thought of Christmas isn’t always a welcome one. It’s hard to see that look of disappointment, when the children saw that we didn’t have much for Christmas. But I found out about a great option, that allowed me to have more control over my financial planning. I could get a short-term loan from