@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')


@if($users->role == 1 || $users->role == 2 || $users->role == 3) @if($property_list)
{{ $property_list->no_of_house }}
Total number of House!
{{ $property_list->no_of_property }}
Total number of Property!
@endif @endif
@if($users->role == 1 || $users->role == 2 || $users->role == 3) @endif
Firstname {{ $users->fname}}
Lastname {{ $users->lname}}
Email {{ $users->email}}
Telephone {{ $users->phone_no}}
Mobile {{ $users->mobile_no}}
Address {{ $users->address}}
Licence No {{ $users->licence_no}}
ABN No {{ $users->abn_no}}
Web Address {{ $users->web_address}}
Agent ID {{ $users->agent_id}}
Zipcode {{ $users->zipcode}}
@if(count($enquiries) == 0)


Enquiry not Found

@else @if(isset($_GET['action'])) @if($_GET['action'] == 'edit' && $_GET['id'])

purpose == 'buy')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
purpose == 'sell')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
purpose == 'rent')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
purpose == 'lease')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
type == 'residential')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
type == 'commercial')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
type == 'investment')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
property_type == 'house')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
property_type == 'apartment')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
property_type == 'townhouse')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
property_type == 'land')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
property_type == 'rular')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
property_type == 'commercial')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
property_type == 'other')?'checked="checked"':'' }}>
@endif @else @if(isset($_GET['filter'])) @if($_GET['filter'] == 'close')

Enquity Management

Purpose Type Property Type No Of Room Status Change Status Action
{{ $filter_close->purpose}} {{ $filter_close->type}} {{ $filter_close->property_type}} {{ $filter_close->no_of_room}} @if($filter_close->status == 0) (Close) @else @if($filter_close->status == 1) (Open) @else @if($filter_close->status == 2) (In Progress) @else (Pending) @endif @endif @endif

Close enquiry not exist

@else @if($_GET['filter'] == 'open')

Enquity Management

Purpose Type Property Type No Of Room Status Change Status Action
{{ $filter_open->purpose}} {{ $filter_open->type}} {{ $filter_open->property_type}} {{ $filter_open->no_of_room}} @if($filter_open->status == 0) (Close) @else @if($filter_open->status == 1) (Open) @else @if($filter_open->status == 2) (In Progress) @else (Pending) @endif @endif @endif

Close enquiry not exist

@endif @endif @else @if(Session::has('flash_message_error'))
{!! session('flash_message_error') !!}
@endif @if(Session::has('flash_message_success'))
{!! session('flash_message_success') !!}

Enquity Management

@foreach($enquiries as $enquiry) status == 1)?"style=background:#ddd":"" }}> @endforeach
Purpose Type Property Type No Of Room Status Change Status Action
{{ $enquiry->purpose}} {{ $enquiry->type}} {{ $enquiry->property_type}} {{ $enquiry->no_of_room}} @if($enquiry->status == 0) (Close) @else @if($enquiry->status == 1) (Open) @else @if($enquiry->status == 2) (In Progress) @else (Pending) @endif @endif @endif
@endif @endif @endif
@if(count($meetings) == 0)


Meeting not Found

@else @if(isset($_GET['action'])) @if($_GET['action'] == 'setting' && $_GET['id'])

@endif @else

Meeting Management

@foreach($meetings as $meet) @endforeach
ID Message Date Created Status Action
{{ $meet->id }} {{ substr($meet->meeting_message,0,50) }}... {{ date('j F Y H:i:s', strtotime($meet->datetime)) }} @if($meet->status == 0) Inactive @elseif($meet->status == 1) Active @elseif($meet->status == 2) Reschedule @elseif($meet->status == 3) Cancle @endif
@endif @endif
@if(count($trasactions) == 0)


Membership not Found

@else @if(isset($_GET['action'])) @if($_GET['action'] == 'membership-edit' && $_GET['id'])

Payment Details

@endif @else

Membership Management

@foreach($trasactions as $membership) @endforeach
Plan Name: {{ ($membership->plan_id ==1)?$trasactions[0]->no_of_users.' Agent':'' }}
Amount: {{ $membership->amount_paid }} per/month
Start Date: {{ date('j F Y', strtotime($membership->plan_start)) }}
End Date: {{ date('j F Y', strtotime($membership->plan_expiry)) }}
Status: {{ ($membership->payment_status == 1)?'Active':'Inactive' }}

Payment Details

@endif @endif
@if(count($trasactions) > 0) @if($trasactions[0]->no_of_users != 0)

Agent Management

@if(count($agent_listing) < $trasactions[0]->no_of_users)
{{ csrf_field() }}
@if(count($agent_listing) == 0)

Agent User not found

@else @foreach($agent_listing as $peragent) @endforeach
First Name Last Name Email Phone Action
{{ $peragent->fname }} {{ $peragent->lname }} {{ $peragent->email }} {{ $peragent->phone_no }}
@endif @endif
@endsection @section('scripts') @endsection